Friday, January 24, 2020

Paris Hilton: The Eigth Deadly SIn :: essays research papers

Paris Hilton: The Eighth Deadly Sin Pride, envy, anger, avarice, sloth, gluttony, lust, and Paris Hilton. The seven deadly sins and Paris the heiress have combined to overtake pop culture as we know it. It may be a coincidence this blond bombshells favorite number is seven, but in the pubic eye Paris is the epitome of such sins. Who blames her? She’s famous, wealthy, beautiful, human, and everywhere you look. From the television, to movies, magazines, books, clothing lines, and even armature video stores†¦ the list goes on, and so she follows. America is obsessed with Paris. When Hilton’s dog, Tinkerbell, disappeared it made national news. When the heiress herself attended a New York Knicks game, Madison square garden chanted her name, while the not so lucky Knicks were down thirty points in the third quarter. Our obsession with Paris has reached an all time high. Americans are now beginning to look, smell, talk and act like Miss Hilton herself. Pride as stated in the seven deadly sins is the desire to be important or attractive to others and to show excessive love of self. In such a case America must forgive Miss Hilton, for she has sinned. Paris had no problem denying she â€Å"feel’s lucky when she looks in the mirror,† in her December 2004 interview with Rolling Stones. But does America blame her for feeling lucky? She is the epitome of lucky and not to mention a designers dream. As Nicole Jones states in her, Getting the Style, commentary Paris has the body of a runway model, and alien thinness that few bear naturally. Designers are not fools to the Paris pandemonium. Not only can she flawlessly sport a trend, she can also sell one†¦ or even two. With a single picture Paris brought forth the Von Dutch decade and the times of the trucker†¦ hat that is. Paris’s trends have teenagers out spending their cold hard cash on real expensive cotton. As Nicole Jones points out in her commentary, Amer ica loves Hilton’s fashion because it is not too difficult for us to incorporate in our own wardrobe. It didn’t take long for guess designer, Marciano, to realize he wanted to bring in some of the Paris’s pop culture platinum. According to Forbes magazine, after making Miss Hilton Marciano’s new guess girl sales rose about 16%. Paris herself does not even underestimate the power of her and name, and in essence continues to commit the

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Father Flynn’s Parables Essay

Father Flynn has a talent for telling a parable. He is forcefully open to specific events that he recently encounters. As the play opens he expresses main points in the theme using a parable, to teach a lesson of doubt, and to not fear doubt. This sermon foreshadows the dramatic ending to the conclusion of the play but throughout sets a tone for questioning each character and their opinion. As Father Flynn opens his first sermon with a question that insinuates doubt, by asking â€Å"What do you do when you’re not sure?† (p. 1939) I believe he is also asking the congregation to open their minds up to the fearful thoughts of someone who is isolated and doesn’t know where to turn for the right answer, because everything they have been taught has now brought them to a desperate and questionable place in their lives. He is seeking to bring them together even when they do not understand someone or a situation. He suggests despair can describe a type of doubt, and in despair, â€Å"Your bond with your fellow beings was your despair.† (p. 1939) The fear of doubt can isolate someone and seeking approval or guidance can be difficult when someone feels they are alone. He uses the example of â€Å"You seeing the world through a window. On the one side of the glass: happy, untroubled people. On the other side: you.† It is a difficult thing to hit a point in life and question everything you have ever been taught. The person that is growing into an individual with opinion and preferences is gradually realizing that the world isn’t black and white. There are rules that we follow in society or in a church community and as strict as those rules could be followed the human instinct to follow preference in life becomes more important. However, the fear of going against something that has always been taught to be the only way to achieve something in life or be successful in life can lead us back to the beginning. Where our roots began, which in this case Father Flynn uses the example in his first sermon where he says, â€Å"being of nautical discipline, turned his eyes to the heavens and read the stars.† (p.1939) At the moment that there is no clarity in the decisions that can be made in life the seriousness of doubting everything someone knows becomes so scary that they don’t know what to do after starting from the beginning and  still not getting results. When Father Flynn addresses that the sailor,† thought he was on course but there was no way to be certain†,(p.1939) the sailor is left in a state of doubt not only because there was no definitive way to be sure he was on the right path but also further questioning the thought process behind following stars and how reliable it truly wa s. Throughout doubting, unlike in the sailor’s case, Father Flynn encourages that bonding and not turning away from those who doubt circumstances in life is more gratifying than leaving one person isolated. The support, even if it is just one person, as we later see in the play, can be enough reassurance for someone to restore their faith, or make it through a difficult time. In Father Flynn’s second sermon there is no question about what and who he is addressing. The play has now escalated to confrontation about assumptions, and with those assumptions there have been many displays of doubt that is trying to be proven by Sister Aloysius. She believes that Father Flynn is a child molester and a certain child has been targeted because of his circumstances. He is very clear about this when he opens his sermon saying, â€Å"A woman was gossiping with a friend about a man she hardly knew.† (p.1955) Sister Aloysius has made very serious accusations about Father Flynn and he recognizes that her determination and the doubtfulness of the evidence that could go in his favor or against him put him in such a negative predicament that he has to protect himself. Not only does he now doubt her and her judgment of people because she does not see him for who is really is and trust him, but he now sees that she does not really know who he is as a person. He foreshadows Sister Aloysius’ doubt in this next comment from the sermon saying, â€Å"She was immediately seized with an overwhelming sense of guilt,†(p.1956) when she had a dream that the hand of God appeared over her and pointed down on her. Immediately the woman starts to doubt that she has been following the right path and God’s word and has to ask, â€Å"Is gossiping a sin?†(p.1956) This is something as Christian that anyone should know however the woman needs confirmation. Father Flynn later states that through gossip this woman has, â€Å"played fast and loose with his reputation, and you should be heartily ashamed!† Sister Aloysius could seriously ruin Father Flynn’s reputation which he recognized immediately.  She had no concern for him so she did not care what she said about him and how it could affect him and his reputation or even the truth of the matter she was trying to resolve. As a result of Sister Aloysius’ determination to get rid of Father Flynn not only does she not get the answers she needed to be sure of his behavior, she can only wonder that with his new promotion and new placement still in the priesthood that she could have been very wrong. Or maybe that she was right and he just knows how to work the system. Either way she still ends the play with doubt of her beliefs as Father Flynn continues on without doubt that he did well and handled the situation as best that he could. Work Cited Shanley, John Patrick. Doubt: A Parable. Meyer, Michael. The Bedford Introduction to Literature: Reading, Thinking, Writing. 9th Ed. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s. 1938-1969.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

How to Distill Ethanol or Grain Alcohol

Ethanol is also called ethyl alcohol or grain alcohol. Its made from a fermented mixture of corn, yeast, sugar, and water. The resulting alcohol is 100 to 200 proof (200 proof is pure alcohol). In addition to use in the lab, ethanol is a popular fuel alternative and gasoline additive. Because it is flammable, ethanol can be prohibitively expensive to ship, so it may make sense to distill your own. Anyone can have a still, but be advised that you may need to get a permit in order to make ethanol. Difficulty: Easy Time Required: 3–10 days, sometimes longer How-To Steps If you are starting with whole corn, you first need to convert the cornstarch into sugar by sprouting the corn. Place the corn in a container, cover it with warm water, and drape a cloth over the container to prevent contamination and conserve heat. Ideally, the container will have a slowly draining hole at the bottom. Add warm water from time to time as the liquid level falls. Maintain the setup for around 3 days or until the corn has sprouts about 2 inches long.Allow the sprouted corn to dry. Then grind it into meal. Alternatively, start with cornmeal. Other grains can be prepared in much the same way (e.g., rye mash).Mash or mush is made by adding boiling water to the cornmeal. The mash is kept warm to start the fermentation process. Yeast is added, if available (half pound yeast per 50 gallons of mash, for example), and sugar (variable recipes). With yeast, fermentation takes about 3 days. Without yeast, fermentation can require more than 10 days. The mash is ready to run once it stops bubbling. The mash has been converted into carbonic acid and alcohol. It is called wash or beer or sour mash.The wash is placed into a cooker, which has a lid that is pasted shut so that it has a seal that can be blown off should internal pressure become too great. At the top of the cooker, there is a copper pipe or arm that projects to one side and tapers down from a 4–5 inch diameter to the same diameter as the worm (1 to 1-1/4 inch). The worm can be made by taking a 20 ft length of copper tubing, filling it with sand and stopping the ends, and then coiling it around a fence post.The sand prevents the tubing from kinking while being coiled. Once the worm is formed, the sand is flushed out of the tube. The worm is placed in a barrel and sealed to the end of the arm. The barrel is kept full of cold, running water, to condense the alcohol. Water runs in the top of the barrel and out an opening at the bottom. A fire is maintained under the cooker to vaporize the alcohol in the wash.The ethanol vaporizes at 173Â °F, which is the target temperature for the mixture. The spirit will rise to the top of the cooker, enter the arm, and will be cooled to the condensation point in the worm. The resulting liquid is collected at the end of the worm, traditionally into glass jars. This fluid will be translucent, with a color similar to that of dark beer.The very first liquid contains volatile oil contaminants in addition to alcohol. After that, liquid is collected. The containers of liquid collected from over the wash are called singlings. Liquid collected toward the end of this run is called low wine. Low wine can be collected and returned to the still to be cooked again. The initial collections are higher proof than those collected as the distillation progresses.The singlings tend to have impurities and require double-distillation, so once the low wine has been run to the point where a tablespoon or so thrown on a flame wont burn (too low proof), the heat is removed from the still, and the cooker is cleaned out. The liquid remaining in the still, the backings or slop, can be recovered and poured over new grain (and sugar, water, and possibly malt) in a mash barrel for future distillations. Discard mash after no more than eight uses.The singlings are poured into the cooker, and the still is returned to operation. The initial collections can approach pure alcohol (200 proof), with the end collections, using the flash test on the flame, at about 10 proof.The desired proof depends on the application. The highest proof usually obtained from a still is 190 proof. For using alcohol as a fuel alternative, for example, additional purification with a sieve may be required to obtain 200 proof ethanol. Tips If you live in the United States, a permit may be required in order to distill ethanol legally.Stills traditionally were operated close to a water source, such as a stream or river, because the cool water was used to condense the alcohol in the tubing (the worm)Stills needed to have removable tops so that they wouldnt explode when pressure built up from heating the mash. What You Need 25 lb cornmeal or 25 lb shelled whole corn100 lb sugar (sucrose)100 gallons water6 oz yeast