Saturday, August 31, 2019

Child Poverty

Why should we care about child poverty in the UK The term poverty Is used to describe people, Individuals or families who do not have as much money as other people in the society they live In. Poverty and child poverty go hand In hand, looking at the bigger picture If the parent's are living In poverty so will the children, with lots of different elements possibly causing this. They may have a poor diet due to the fact that fruit, vegetables, meat and fish can be expensive especially when you have very little money.They cannot afford to live in the customs society feels are normal for example sky television or the latest clothes or trainers. However it is not always just money that can affect someone living in poverty it can also be having little or no education. Often children who live in poverty will leave school, at sixteen with bad GEESE results or none at all, resulting in no Job or a low paid Job, leaving them unable to provide for their family. Child poverty is not Just famine or children dying In the developing world as television images would have us believe, It Is a big problem in the united Kingdom too (End child poverty,2013).Its time our eyes were opened to the fact that â€Å"at least one out of every six children In the united Kingdom lives In relative poverty' (BBC News, 2013). Child poverty can occur from many different elements â€Å"Is the single greatest threat to the well-being of children and families† (Bombards, 2013). A two parent family with two children needs to earn IEEE. O per week to stay above the poverty line, many families fall under this figure. Unemployment , low paid jobs, uneducated or poorly educated people contributed with high child care costs all attribute to the problem.As does inadequate benefits, the set levels of benefits can leave people below the poverty line (Save the children). Poverty can mean being cold or hungry often they are not able to enjoy a simple holiday as a family. Many miss out on clubs at sch ool or after school and activities because they simply do not have the money. There are two ways to measure poverty, relative; net income that Is below sixty per cent of median net disposable Income and absolute; which Is adjusted to Inflation (BBC News, 2013). Slung relative the governments preferred measure of poverty, figures show here is no change in child poverty.However using absolute measure it shows poverty is a big problem for one in every six children (BBC News, 201 3). Living in poverty can affect the child's goals, expectations and achievements, this also tends to repeat from generation to generation. Resulting in a cycle of poverty (End child poverty, 2013). The consciences of poverty continue through the generations, as adults the children are more likely to be unemployed because they are not qualified to gain a decent Job to earn money for themselves or their families, be homeless, buffer ill health both physically and mentally.Many struggle with social interaction of ten feeling excluded from society. It affects the child/children, the parent's, family and the society around them. It can affect every area of a child's development, social, educational and personal. Many become Involved In drug abuse, alcohol abuse and abusive relationships as they reach adulthood (Barnyards, 2013). The Issue of child poverty and the reoccurring cycle can be tackled by better education to help them achieve more skills and aim tort higher goals.Investing in nigh quality education and hillside for young children and offering support to parent's, could help break the link between being poor and not doing well. The work and pensions secretary lain Duncan smith said â€Å"the government's aim was to get children out of poverty by getting more people into wore( BBC News, 2013). Unemployed parent's should be given every possible bit of help to get a Job, a good well paid one, with flexibility offered and help with childcare costs ( Child poverty action group,2000-2013). People in work should not be paid below the poverty line, increasing the minimum wage would help.The child poverty act legislation ensures action must be taken to tackle child poverty by this and the future governments, by the devolved administrations and by local government and their partners. The act sets out four United Kingdom targets which are to be met by 2020. They are that relative low income will be less than ten per cent. That combined low income and material deprivation (living standards) will be less than five per cent. Absolute low income will be less than five per cent and that persistent poverty (the length of time) will be set in regulations by 2015.The government is required to produce child poverty strategies that run through to 2020 and are refreshed every three years. These strategies will set out what action is needed to meet the targets in the child poverty act (Department for education, 2012). Child poverty is a big issue in the I-J and should be tackled appr opriately so that less children in families with low income or no income suffer, decreasing the long term effects such as no Jobs or low paid Jobs, ill health, mentally and physically, homelessness, poor education, poor diet, being cold because there's to enough money for heating and food.Making sure there is adequate education available to children and encouraging them to achieve good GASES to enable them to gain a well-paid good Job to support their family, support should be offered along the way. More awareness of the issues could help the government in their plight to uphold the targets in the child poverty act. As many people are not aware of the seriousness of the situation partly because of the media and their constant coverage of famine and dying children in the developing world (End child poverty, 2013).

Friday, August 30, 2019

China Country Identification Essay

The company has brought to our attention that it desires to expand into the Eastern Asian market where it is believed that the opportunity will be best and certainly more than double its profits by this venture. The Country of choice will be China; location is the city of Macau, which is an established trading center in Southeast Asia. B. Major Cross-Cultural Issues and Impacts: There are some marketing aspects to consider. Our approach must be culture sensitive to be successful. Insulting anyone in our business relations for work in China could end the deal or cause unnecessary delays. It is vital for all personnel involved in this venture to train with care in the marketing and cultural behaviors of the Chinese. Culture is a major issue and the company must be meticulous with training in order to be accepted. The Asian cultures are very careful about not losing face and this is critical. Keeping face goes back to Confucianism, which focuses on ones duty and loyalty, honor, sincerit y, and keeping harmony with all those related to them through family, business, and social ties. This is strictly followed with respect for age first in any of these relationships. One must never lose face with any of these ties for to lose face is to lose honor. The concept of face translates as honor, good reputation, and respect. There are four types of face. Face behavior is power-oriented behavior with the purpose of maintaining stability or control of one’s self. Diumianzi originates from the word mian and directly relates to one’s reputation or place in society. It is actions or deeds, which others have observed, and it is earned. Geimianzi is response to or giving of face to another through showing respect to the other person. Liumianzi is developed by avoiding mistakes and showing wisdom in making decisions. Jiangmianzi, when face is increased through others by another complementing one to a business partner or associate. Saving face or reputation is very strong in the Chinese culture. People are generally reserved, quiet, and refined. No boisterous or loud behavior is acceptable and considered in poor taste. Another way to explain this is quiet dignity, always keeping control of one’s emotions. The personnel who are involved in this business venture will need to beware of the quiet reserved behaviors of the Chinese and adopt such behavior in respect and get to know well each Chinese in the business relationship. It is important to save face at all times and avoid blunders or mistakes of our  Western culture, and never criticize the Chinese or any others involved in the business or personal relationship in Macau, China. This includes any associates whether foreign or domestic (China 2010). When greeting in China, the eldest is always greeted first and though a handshake is most common among Chinese with foreigners, sometimes with the elderly or government officials a slight bow will be given. During the greeting exchange, it is the practice by the Chinese to look at the ground when shaking hands or bowing along while addressing the individual with their honorific title and surname (China 2010). Visiting and eating also have special rules. A guest always waits for the host to give direction for seating. Formal dinners have different rules on seating arrangements. The conversation at meals is light, no business, or personal talk. The host will always serve an abundance of food. The host will usually escort a guest outside their home a distance even down a street and the guest should politely resist with the special ritual of hospitality. It is customary to bring a wrapped gift presented with two hands when invited to the home of a Chinese. In China, they do not open a gift in front of the giver; this is to avoid embarrassment for gifts that are not needed. Both the giver and receiver will always use both hands for the gift. Another very important gesture is to refuse the gift three times before accepting it; this shows that one is not greedy. Once the gift is accepted, it is important to express thanks to them for accepting the gift. If giving money gifts around New Years for personal friendship, the bills must be even bills and there should be an even number of bills, and given in a red envelope. Do not use white, black, blue, or the number 4 for anything because it is associated with death and funerals. This would be very embarrassing. Unacceptable gifts include clocks which symbolize time is running out, a handkerchief suggests a farewell greeting, shoes, especially straw sandals, suggest sad memories, and do not give ink pens with red ink which signifies death. Sharp objects like knives and scissors are not appropriate as it represents severing of relationships (Roberts 1998). Dress is important, no bright colors or blue jeans are to be worn, and all colors should be neutral with business meetings or dinners. Women must wear modest heals, nothing sleeveless or sheer, modest necklines, even the jewelry should be modest and not flashy. Relationship is everything; to hurry would be a waste. The  impact of our approach on Chinese business with regard to cultural differences is everything, the dress, the greeting, visiting, dinners, and showing of respect to all parties involved both Chinese, and U.S. will affect the stability of the relationship (King 1999). If the relationship is not sealed in the beginning with saving face or respect and trust with the Chinese, then the business deal may never take place or may be a very weak deal. The Chinese find friendship and trust to be far too important to rush through a business deal. Respect or face must be earned over time and never lost. C. Cross-Cultural Communication: Macau, China has a very strong economy with a GDP of 21.8 percent growth currently, is not expecting a recession anytime soon and has a steady growth rate of double digits up to 21 or more percent per year (Economy 2011). The humid weather and subtropical climate will be a great help in the special heat hardening process, which is necessary to extend the life of the engine components. It is important for us to pay close attention to detail and avoid using black, gold, yellow, red, or white on the engine components for any identification of parts used. Our company will need to use colors that are low key, perhaps silver, grey, brown, tan, or green, for any differentiation used to identify parts. Red is overused and is considered a New Year’s awareness. The black as mentioned earlier represents death and is not a good omen. Do not use black or red print on any of the parts or packaging, this represents evil and death and does not work in the Chinese market. When promoting the product for selling, again, color is of utmost importance and it is important to be creative. No black borders and no black print can be used, it is considered to be a bad omen or evil. The same is true with red print, it is considered to be related to death of the person reading the red ink. White wrap signifies death of the person receiving the gift and is not a happy color. Yellow used in marketing generally relates to pornography, so it must not be used or it will damage the face of the new company and possibly be an embarrassment or cause it to fail. The colors purple for power and nobility, blue green, and some other colors can be used with marketing to promote our engine components, but red, yellow, gold, black, and white are best avoided entirely for marketing purposes (Gao 2011). The advertising name should involve only two perhaps  three syllables with the last syllable having inflection upwards with intonation of voice. The Chinese consider this necessary for a favorable impression and for recognition of a product or service. Chinese words are often very direct and it would be best to use such words to gain trust and immediate understanding, and to portray quality and enjoyment of the vehicle because of using Company A’s engine components. Another aspect to show purity and trust is a picture of a mountain in relation to televised advertising or media advertising on the internet, and in our promotional brochure (Lehman 1992). Manufacturing companies like Sinotruck Group, Qingdao Seize The Future Automobile Co. Ltd., and Special Truck Company China National Heavy Duty Truck Co., to name a few major manufactures for heavy-duty trucks, to market the engine components produced by Company A would be our target audience for this market (Brighter 2011). China is expecting an increase in unit freight mileage leading to long distance transportation implying a demand for high-end trucks in the next few years. China is an excellent market for our truck engine components and this is good timing with China’s economic growth and increased investment in the trucking industry (Intelligence 2011). Currently, in China, the demand for trucks ranked first and automobiles ranked second (Intelligence 2011). Pricing of the engine components is based on production and the shipping costs for China. Choosing to build a manufacturing plant in Macau, China would prove to be financially prudent and help to keep prices in line with other competing engine makers in the truck industry for China. To protect competition in China, the prices would need to be equal in revenue as that of other countries in which these engine components are sold. To distribute these engine components in China it is necessary to have distribution partners for acceptance in the different market areas. Company A will have to build a network of distributers among locals where face-to-face relationships can grow. It will be prudent to train local mechanics for problems with the engine components that may occur after the sale. It is important to have connections with individuals in all areas of the business for trust and friendliness to the Chinese country. They see life as a group connection in all associations. D. Cross-Cultural Ethical Differences: Introducing ourselves into the Chinese market is crucial and must be done through an intermediary, someone who will give face favorably about Company A’s reputation. Chinese do not like to do business with strangers. The meetings need to be requested in writing preferably one or two months in advance by someone that they know and trust who connects for Company A. Plan to arrive a bit early, do not be late as the Chinese perceive this as an insult and it could cause negative problems for the business relationship. Punctuality is considered a virtue in China. It is important not to wear bright colors for meetings; men should wear dark colored conservative business suits. Women should wear a conservative business suit or dress with a high neckline and flat shoes or not much of a heel. There is no gender bias in China. About the introductions, when greeting the Chinese, the highest official or eldest will start the introductions and will either bow slightly while looking to the ground or shake hands while looking to the ground, do not look them in the eye during the introductions but do state their honorific title and then surname. Example, â€Å"It is an honor to meet with you, President Chen.† They have a great sense of humor and like to laugh if they are comfortable. If it is appropriate on your behalf at any time, be sure to laugh at yourself. The names of all who will be at the meeting and their titles, of course, would be important to have in each member’s portfolio. Once the introductions have been made and you have been given the invitation, provide information about Company A and what is desired to be accomplished. If offered a business card always accept with both hands and look at it with interest on both sides and then place on the table in the front of the place setting o r in a suit pocket or briefcase, never in the back pocket. When giving a business card use two hands and place Chinese side up to the Chinese officer. Only the eldest officer from each business will hold the conversation for negotiation. All others will listen. Posture and facial expression is very important to the Chinese and persons attending the meetings must watch carefully and be aware of their posture and facial expressions to remain neutral. There should not be any staring into another’s eyes only concentration on what is being said and careful glancing to notice expressions. Tone of voice is of great importance and  should be closely noted. Relationship cultivation is first, no agreement will be made at this meeting. When the meeting concludes the Chinese will say they will think about it, accept that answer just as they say, thinking about it (Ltd. 2004) and be patient for the deal to close at another time. It may take several meetings to finish the business deal. When the Chinese diplomat in charge invites the visiting company to a banquet, this is a signal that they are ready to give their final answer. They use a banquet to celebrate (Ltd. 2004). Our company needs to be patient and ready. In China, it is not customary to give gifts; it is considered bribery and illegal. It is only acceptable to bring a wrapped gift for the most senior officer in the company after the business deal is complete and state that the gift is from your company and that it is wished for the senior officer to accept it on behalf of their company. If there are wrapped gifts for more than one individual in a group, all gifts must be different and monetarily representative of the status for each individual. It is disrespectful to give the same gift choice to several individuals, the gifts must be different, and the value spent commensurate with the associate receiving the gift. If meeting over dinner our members must remember to wait until the host shows them to their personal seat, and recognize that the executive who called the dinner will be paying for all, no one is going â€Å"Dutch.† Remember to talk about whatever interests them and the food. Generally, light talk is expected. No business will be discussed while dining. The seating behavior is much like it is in formal dining with the United States. Unlike the U.S., though take time with dining and eat all you can or at least make it appear that time is not important. Eating is a very social event with the Chinese, never a rush. They may not hurry to be at a dinner or meal for a certain time, but may be slightly late. Timeliness is not crucial as is expected for a business meeting. It is rare to be invited to a Chinese home. If this occurs, be on time, take a gift and offer it three times but do not expect them to open it in front of you. Take off your shoes and do not pay attention to slurping or belching noises, this is the Chinese way to show enjoyment with the food. All business personnel must learn to eat with chopsticks (Ltd. 2004). These culture differences are very important though strange to what our customs are here in America. All Chinese customs must be followed carefully to have a  successful business relationship in China. References Brighter, Mr. Made In China.Com. 2011. (accessed December 12, 2011). China, Neso. Social Norms, Saving and Losing Face. October 4, 2010. (accessed December 11, 2011). Economy, Macau. â€Å"Macau’s Economy Grows 21.8 percent from January to September.† Macau Hub Magazine on line. December 1, 2011. (accessed December 11, 2011). Gao, Kane. â€Å"Public Relations and Strategic Communications.† Illuminant A Source of Light. January 17, 2011. (accessed December 12, 2011). Intelligence, China Research. Research Report on China Truck Industry. April 12, 2011. (accessed December 12, 2011). King, Susan. â€Å"Facts About Chinese Bus iness Attire.† eHow Culture and Society. 1999. (accessed December 11, 2011). Lehman, Edward. â€Å"Media and Advertising.† Lehman, Lee, & Xu. 1992. (accessed December 12, 2011). Ltd., Kwintessential. â€Å"Chinese Etiquette and Customs.† Kwintessential. 2004. (accessed December 13, 2011). Roberts, Kimberly. International Business Gift Giving Overview. 1998. (accessed December 11, 2011).

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder Bipolar disorder was previously known as manic depression as it causes moods to shift between mania and depression. It may also be classified as a biological brain disorder causing severe fluctuations in mood, energy, thinking and behaviour. This disorder results in frequent anxiety and low frustration level in the young people (CABF 2007). Depression, in this situation, means a situation where you feel very low while mania would refer to a situation where you feel very high (NHS 2009). Sometimes, symptoms of mania and depression can also occur simultaneously (CABF 2007). These episodes can last for several weeks or longer. â€Å"The high and low phases of the illness are often so extreme that they interfere with everyday life† (NHS 2009). In bipolar disorder, the depression phase often comes first. One can be diagnosed with clinical depression before having a manic episode. The manic episodes usually take place after some time, after which the diagnosis might change. These e pisodes of depression may lead to overwhelming feelings of worthlessness, which often lead to thoughts of suicide. The manic phase may make you feel very creative and view mania as a positive experience. This is the time when you may also have symptoms of psychosis. During this phase you may feel very happy and have lots of ambitions, plans and ideas. Lack of sleep and appetite are other also common characteristics of bipolar disorder (NHS 2009). â€Å"People with bipolar disorder fluctuate between intense depression and mania, interspersed by periods of relative calm† (Macnair 2008). The causes of bipolar disorder aren’t completely known, but are often hereditary. A cluster of factors both genetic and environmental, such as personal traumas or stress, can highly influence systems. The initial manic or depressive episodes of bipolar disorder usually take place early in the teenage years or early adulthood (Macnair 2008) At least half of all cases start before age 25 (K essler et al., 2005). The symptoms of the disorder can be fairly subtle and may result in being overlooked or misdiagnosed. This could result in unnecessary suffering while on the other hand, with proper treatment and support; a fulfilling life can be lived (Macnair 2008). In severe forms of mania, there are chances of a person becoming psychotic, with delusions. There is a conflict in perception and reality and there may be hallucinations and delusional beliefs about being persecuted. In some of the worst cases, people in mania become unintelligible and neglect themselves. The symptoms have varying patterns, frequencies and order. While in some case, where symptoms of mania are followed by symptoms of depression in a predictable pattern, some people have mixed symptoms – it’s possible to have many of the symptoms of mania and also suffer from severely depressive thoughts (Bhugra and Flick, 2005). Although there’s no cure for bipolar disorder, many people find t hat an understanding of their illness and what triggers episodes can help them live a relatively normal life Macnair 2008). Patients could monitor their moods and thoughts and ask someone they trust to help them cope with the disorder. But, sometimes some people have extreme mood swings that can’t be managed by monitoring alone. There may be a need for antidepressants, antipsychotic medication, drug lithium, which seem to stabilise mood swings. High level of lithium in blood can be poisonous while too little will have no effect. So, its important to be seen regularly by the mental health team and have the blood levels checked (Smith et al., 2009).

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Amendment Rights and USA Patriot Act Assignment

Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Amendment Rights and USA Patriot Act - Assignment Example According to the research findings, in the case Katz V. United States the petitioner was disturbed by the following two issues: 1) The Court was asked to determine whether a public telephone booth is a constitutionally protected area so that evidence acquired by attaching an electronic listening recording gadget to the top of such a booth is done in a violation of the right to privacy of the user of the booth. 2) In addition, the Court was to consider whether physical penetration of a constitutionally protected area is required before a search and seizure is said to be in violation of Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution. In their rulings, the Judges declined to adopt the formulation of the issues. In the first formulation, the Judges held that the correct solution to the Fourth Amendment challenge is not necessarily promoted by incantation of the phrase, ‘constitutionally protected area.’ In addition, the Fourth Amendment cannot be translated into a genera l constitutional ‘right to privacy.’ The Fourth Amendment is solely meant to safeguard individual’s privacy against some kinds of governmental intrusion with its privacy stretching and has no attachment to privacy. The governmental invasion of individual privacy is protected against by other provisions in the Constitution. However, the protection of a person’s general right to privacy alludes to the protection of one’s right to his property and his life that solely determined by the law of the individual States. The issues were formulated in a misleading manner, and hence the parties attributed great significance to the characterization of the telephone booth from which the petitioner placed his calls. The strenuously suggested that the booth was a constitutionally protected area while the government held that booth was not a constitutionally protected area. The government activities in electronically listening to and recording the petitionerâ€℠¢s words violated the privacy upon which the defendant justifiably relied while using the telephone booth and hence constituted as search and seizure as regard to the Fourth Amendment. The concern is to determine whether the search and seizure conducted complied with the constitutional standards. The Court found it plausible to argue that language aimed particularly during searches and seizures of things that can be searched and seized might safeguard privacy by being employed to eavesdropped evidence of conversations that can neither be searched nor seized.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Legal Aspects of Health Care College Case Study

Legal Aspects of Health Care College - Case Study Example Dr. William may also partially answer to the charges against him and partially demur to the complaint. "364.(a) No action based upon the health care provider's professional negligence may be commenced unless the defendant has been given at least 90 days' prior notice of the intention to commence the action." A subpoena refers to the process whereby a person is asked to appear in the court to testify in a case as a witness. Sections 1985 to 1997 of the California Code of Civil Procedures provide details on the conduct and types of subpoena. The person may be asked to personally present in the court to testify (depending upon the contents of subpoena) and provide expert opinion on a process in which he has expertise in; or he/ she may be asked to bring a book, record or any other form of document as evidences. In responding to a subpoena, the obligations may include producing personal record (if these are in possession) for Joan's treatment at the clinic; and providing professional opinion as to the sequence of events, conduct of professional expertise by Dr. Williams, etc. If a person provides false reports and testifies incorrectly, it may result in court taking actions against the subpoenaed (the person who is issued a subpoena). Thus, there is obligation to truthfully and accurately provide all required information to the court. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) was developed to protect 'individually identifiable health information' in any form. The term individually identifiable health information is defined by the Act as: the individual's past, present or future physical or mental health or condition, the provision of health care to the individual, or the past, present, or future payment for the provision of health care to the individual, and that identifies the individual or for which there is a reasonable basis to believe it can be used to identify the individual. (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2009). As appears from the case, Dr. Williams showed Joan's medical records to his friend and thus showed him the provision of health care to Joan. This is in violation of HIPAA. As per the Act, he was not supposed to share this information with anyone

Monday, August 26, 2019

Accounting Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Accounting - Research Paper Example It is however important to understand that accounting is not a very easy subject to gain complete insight upon. It is usually seen as a very difficult trade to learn and get one’s complete understanding is related with his respective interest levels. Essentially, accounting is the art of properly detailing the financial information related with different business entities to varied stakeholders as well as managers (Cookingham 1989). The role of top management is also important as it comprehends the true meaning of accounting through the figures and statistics that are reached upon by the accountants. The hard work that goes in, in the wake of drawing up accounting ledgers and balance sheets is something that paves the way for financial success of organizations worldwide. Accounting comes about with a proper know-how of the financial statements which show how money was used in terms of the recession, uplift or any other form of economic season. The resources employed by the organization are also given proper emphasis within the accounting regimes thus suggesting that accounting is directly proportional to the efforts made by the management domains (Nichols 2004). In essence, accounting has a role within the entire organization as different business entities depend on this field of business for the long term growth and development of the organization. Moving ahead with the same discussion on accounting, one finds that there have been changes to this field of study of late as well. There have been incremental changes as well as wholesale ones, but the fact has remained that accounting has retained its place for quite a long period of time now. This will continue to be the case in the times to come as well since accounting has a definitive place within the understanding levels of business entities as well as the

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Servant Leadership for Minorities Research Paper

Servant Leadership for Minorities - Research Paper Example Diversity has two dimensions that are primary and secondary. There are some aspects of an individual’s personality that cannot be changed. Besides, such aspects of the human personality are mostly obvious and known to the people because of their being visible and easily discernable. Such aspects of diversity are called primary dimensions and they include within their ambit, attributes like age, race, gender, ethnicity, physical abilities and disabilities and sexual orientation. A gross stereotyping of the people based on their primary dimensions can cause tremendous hurt and does have the potential to give way to a conflict. Secondary dimensions are the aspects of human personality over which individuals have some control. People mostly do have the power to alter the secondary dimensions of their existence. Besides, secondary dimensions are the aspects of human personality, which they can conceal or reveal as per their convenience. Secondary dimensions usually consist of attributes like work background, economic status, marital status, functional specialty, job level, religious beliefs, thinking style, geographic location, parental status, education, communication style etc. Diverse leadership teams always accrue multiple benefits to organizations. Recognition of and acceptance of diversity by the leadership in any organization improve organizational performance. Once people get assured that their diversity is acceptable and normal, they tend to spend less time in reacting to unlawful or perceived discrimination. ... Such aspects of diversity are called primary dimensions and they include within their ambit, attributes like age, race, gender, ethnicity, physical abilities and disabilities and sexual orientation. A gross stereotyping of the people based on their primary dimensions can cause tremendous hurt and does have the potential to give way to a conflict. Secondary dimensions are the aspects of human personality over which individuals have some control. People mostly do have the power to alter the secondary dimensions of their existence and are usually less sensitive about them. Besides, secondary dimensions are the aspects of human personality, which they can conceal or reveal as per their convenience. Secondary dimensions usually consist of attributes like work background, economic status, marital status, functional specialty, job level, religious beliefs, thinking style, geographic location, parental status, education, communication style etc. (Loden & Rosener 25).Diverse leadership teams always accrue multiple benefits to organizations. Recognition of and acceptance of diversity by the leadership in any organization improves organizational performance. Once people get assured that their diversity is acceptable and normal, they tend to spend less time in reacting to or worrying about unlawful or perceived discrimination and harass ment (Parrillo 27). Acceptance of diversity enhances people's self-esteem and leads to better work place relations. A leadership sensitive to the diversity of the employees serving in an organization encourages people to bring out the best in them. This leads to a positive and favorable self-image. Acceptance and proper management of diversity tremendously improves the problem solving abilities of

Organisational Information Systems (OIS) - report assignment Essay

Organisational Information Systems (OIS) - report assignment - Essay Example tion and data on the multiplicity of aspects of the association’s working circumstances like that the victims, further organizations, release dealers, as well as the neighborhood administration. It as well as comprises information on movements and models, with expansions in the society and civilizing situations in which the business carries out its operations. This kind of financial information has long-standing proposition to the association and helps in extensive assortment, tactical planning 13 The internet is growing as the most important technology platform for the electronic commerce. Equally of the essence, Internet technology is being more and more functional to smooth the progress of the management of rest of the business publishing employee personnel strategies, analyzing account balances and production plans, setting up plant repairs and maintenance, and improving design documents. Organizations are getting advantage of the connectivity and ease of use of the internet technology to produce internal corporate networks called intranets that are based on internet technology. Making use of these private intranets for the organizational communication, group effort, and management is elevated. We make use of the expression electronic business to make a distinction among these uses of internet of digital technology for the management and bringing together the other business processes from the electronic commerce. By giving out information through the electronic networks, electronic business enlarges the reach of on hand management. Managers use email, web documents, and work- group software to successfully correspond regularly with thousands of employees, and even to supervise remote assignments and teams. These jobs would be unworkable in opposite traditional organizations (Kenneth, 1999). 21 3.Christine Hagn, Wemhard H. Markwitz, 2000, Mobile Teleworking: Some Solutions and Information Security Aspects, Siemens AG, Information and Communication Products,

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Investment Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 1

Investment Report - Essay Example This will give the investors and interested buyers of shares the platform to take conclusive decisions about the company and its viability in investing. Jamie Demon is the current Chief Executive Officer of JPMorgan Chase & Co and operates alongside the Board of Governors and managers of the various components of the business establishment. The company is a front global financial firm and a banking institution in both the United States and across the globe. JPMorgan Chase & Co has a global coverage with operations in various countries (J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. 2014). The main operations of the company engage in the activities of investment banking, money-making banking, and small businesses, financial services for consumers, asset management, and financial transaction processing and private equity. Thus, in view of its areas of coverage in offering services, it encompasses all the essential sectors involved in the financial industry business. The company has several principle subsidiaries, which enlist as most of the leading operational banks. The company subsidiaries include the JPMorgan Chase Bank, the National Association JPMorgan Chase Bank, Chase Bank USA and National Association Chase Bank USA. It also has a national bank, which the company uses for facilitating and giving its credit cards and other national bank branches in the United States with 23 branches. The company also has other operational units, which are non-bank subsidiaries. The non-subsidiary unit includes J.P. Morgan Securities LLC, which is operational within the United States and in foreign markets. The bank and non-bank ancillaries of JPMorgan Chase & Co operate both within the country that is the United States and traversing the globe, through all its oversee branches. In addition to having oversees branches, the company also employs the use of representative office, which help in marketing and facilitating the